Class Summary |
Backdrop |
Background |
Bars |
Border |
ChartData |
Encapsulates the data (data points, labels, title, etc) needed to create
a chart using ChartFactory . |
ChartFactory |
Creates chart images and write them to files using common encodings. |
ChartMetrics |
Encapsulates the various metrics used to create chart images using
ChartFactory . |
ChartStyle |
Encapsulates the style elements (colors, fonts, etc) needed to create a
chart using ChartFactory . |
ImageLayer |
Key |
Layer |
Layer is a superclass for image objects that have the following properties:
location: x and y coordinates of the layer in the image
z-index: used to determine how layers overlap
size: width and height of the layer
background: color used to paint the background of the layer (optional)
border: if true, a border is drawn around the layer
border color: the color to draw the border with (default Color.BLACK)
Lines |
Palette |
Scale |
Slices |
TestChartData |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.ChartData class. |
TestChartFactory |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.ChartFactory class. |
TestChartMetrics |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.ChartMetrics class. |
TestChartStyle |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.images.ChartStyle class. |
TestImageLayer |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.ImageLayer class. |
TestLayer |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.Layer class. |
TestTextLayer |
Unit tests for the org.corpstein.image.TextLayer class. |
TextLayer |
Title |
XAxisLabels |
YAxisLabels |